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What are the advantages of using aluminum pull handles over other materials like plastic or wood?

What are the advantages of using aluminum pull handles over other materials like plastic or wood?

2024-06-19 15:18:29

The exposed handle is an aluminum handle that is directly installed on the surface of the furniture door or drawer.


1. Aluminum alloy material: lightweight, high strength, not easy to rust, and available in a variety of colors.

2. Diverse styles: It has a variety of shapes, including long strips, round, square, arc, etc., which can meet different styles and aesthetic needs.

3. Easy installation: Compared with some hidden or embedded handles, the installation process of the exposed handle is relatively simple, and does not require too much processing of the furniture.

4. Wide applicability: Whether it is wooden furniture, metal furniture or plastic furniture, you can use exposed handles.


While improving the convenience of furniture use, the exposed handle can also add a unique decorative effect to the furniture through its unique design.

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